Inspired in an unconditional love for animals...

B&M is more than a business: it’s a community of animal lovers who share the love for them. We are a brand that believes that every pet deserves to be loved and recognized.
We consider our pet to be a completely entitled member of our family. They bring us joy, happiness, comfort and satisfaction day by day and we know that sometimes it is difficult to explain the relationship we have with our pet but we acknowledge that it is unique and for that reason each B&M product is carefully selected.

We are specialists in products for animals and animal lovers, we have a broad and varied range of products including customized, useful, pretty and tasteful products.

Our love for dogs is such that here at B&M we believe that every dog deserves to be loved forever and that is why we have decided to donate each month a part of our earnings to the different shelters in the area to help the dogs that need it the most.
With each purchase you make, you also contribute in feeding the shelter animals in the area while they await for a family that will love them.

Our values

We Believe in:
Passion for excellence
Attention to the customers’ needs and requests

These values together with the care for details and the diversity of the proposed items will take us to be leaders in our market.
