We know that you want the portrait or product you chose to be perfect, which is why we have created this guide so you can see what works and what doesn’t.
The most important thing to remember is that we need a high quality photo, which is fundamental to guarantee the quality of the portrait. The higher the quality of the photo, the higher the quality of your portrait (or product).
To obtain the best results, use the original full size version of your photos (the size of the file is usually of at least 1.5 MB). Try to choose a photo with sharper focus, especially around your pet’s face.
Follow this guidelines when choosing (or taking) the most suitable photo to attach to your order: Pick (or take) a photo with natural and diffuse lighting (in the daylight or in a very bright room).
Make sure your dog’s face and neck are fully visible and not in shadow.
Do not use filters to avoid altering the natural color of your dog’s haircoat.
Make sure your dog is looking at the camera at eye level and looking straight ahead.
Remove any accessories that you do not want in your portrait. Every visible complements in the photo that you send to us (necklace, bows, hats, dresses or others) will be reproduced in the final portrait.
Note: We only accept photos in jpeg/jpg format and dimensions no larger than 5 MB. If your photographic file has a size larger than 5 MB, you can send it using this online service www.wetransfer.com to the following address info@bubaandmac.com indicating the order number.

Example of an adequate photo:
• Framing at eye level
• Body and face in front of the camera
• Mouth completely visible
• Neck completely visible
• Natural and diffuse lighting

Example of a non-adequate photo:
• Cut ear
• Body not looking straight ahead
• Framing not at eye level
• Non-diffuse lighting
• Light source from behind with shadows on the face

Wrong example of wrong photo:
• Lying position
• Look away from the camera
• Partially covered mouth
• Ears not fully visible
• Neck not visible
• Low lighting with shadows on the face
