Five dangers at home for our four-legged friends

What for us ‘bipeds’ is a source of daily use, for our quadrupeds it may result dangerous. Let’s discover together the 5 most common dangers present in our homes.


Did you know that some products and food of common use may represent a real problem to our pets’ health? Not only objects like shoes, pillows, etc … but also some food can be damaging for dogs like xylitol contained in some gums and candies, grapes, raisins and macadamia nuts. Chocolate represents a real threat as it contains theobromine (substance present in plants and derivatives of cocoa) that damages the kidneys, lungs and nervous system. It seems superfluous to say it but alcohol is extremely contraindicated for animals, including some snacks or chocolates that should be already prohibited, as well as products that contain yeast because it could continue fermenting in the dog’s stomach causing pain, bloated abdomen and gas. Dry bread, on the other hand, is available in small amounts and occasionally.


We should also be very careful with medicines and detergents. Everything related with insecticides, spirals and plates for mosquitos, flies and cockroaches, rat poison can even be fatal.

Among medicines, never give our four-legged friends non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), cortisone or paracetamol without the veterinarian’s advice. Except from rare medicines for ‘humans’, there are specific medications for them.


Our quadrupeds should also stay away from second-hand smoke. If you are a smoker, be careful where you leave your cigarettes because if your dog ingests them accidentally, nicotine can cause slight symptoms like intensive salivation and tachycardia up to more serious ones like severe respiratory difficulties and even death.


It is very nice to have a happy dog running in the garden or at the park, but we have to pay attention to some types of plants and flowers. It’s well known that dogs love to dig searching for a lizard or to bury bones, but some plants like the oleander, azalea, cyclamen and lily of the valley may be damaging for their health. Also, insects like bees, wasps, ticks and fleas may cause some discomfort. The processionary moth may be very dangerous for out puppies: the spiky hair inflames and the mouth, tongue, esophagus and stomach of the dog swell in such a way that they suffocate.

If you like to walk in the woods, be careful with the nuts’ shells and the mold that may cause lung problems in dogs.


Dogs and kids, the perfect combination for joy, but pay attention to the toys, cars, buildings, balls of our kids: if the dog eats them they can get stuck in the throat or obstruct the stomach and intestines. Attention with bracelets, batteries, scrunchies and everything that by mistake we may leave around the house, specially be careful if you have a puppy. Imagine your dog as a child curious of the world around, attracted so much to the beauty as to the dangers … as a matter of fact, especially to the dangers!

We must train and protect them so they don’t end up in unfortunate situations.

Categories: life with a dog

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