How to choose the adequate dog

Since ancient times, the link human-dog was based on exchange. Humans took care of the animal who in exchange helped the humans with their work and protection.

Before adopting a dog, it is important to take in consideration if you will be able to give him the space and time he needs; in exchange you will receive love and loyalty that only a dog can give.

The size of the dog is in fact fundamental: big dogs need more space and to exercise with their owners so, ask yourself if your house is suitable for a Pug or a German Shepherd…

Dedicating time means taking him for walks, training, playing, cleaning, etc… these are activities that will keep you busy everyday. Dogs are sociable by nature and they need to interact both with other dogs and with their owners.

Female or male? Some males tend to be more dominant and difficult to train but once they are trained, they are much more disciplined.

Females, when in heat, attracts males from a few kilometers, but they are certainly more easy to handle as they are less aggressive and adequate for children.

Pure breed or mixed breed? A pure breed dog may have an elevated cost, especially if they have pedigree, which is a document that certifies the purity of the breed. But you have the advantage of knowing the typical characteristics beforehand and therefore understanding if he is suitable for your life. Mixed breed dogs deserve a clarification: there are mixed breeds when the parents are different breeds and those whose parents are also mixed breeds or those who only have one parent that is mixed breed while the other is pure breed.

Preferring a mixed breed dog sometimes means having the opportunity of saving him from the pound or the streets. In the case of an adult dog, you have to take his past into consideration, fundamental factor for his character.

Mixed breeds, due to his gene mixture, will be a unique specimen and will be able to avoid some breed health problems.

The specific character of a particular breed or of a mixed breed is another essential factor when choosing the adequate dog for you: for example, Golden Retrievers, even though they area large breed, are adequate for children, while in the contrary, small dogs can be intimidated and get scared, bite to defend themselves.

Hunting dogs are quickly and easily trained, but must keep in shape. Working dogs, filled with energy and attention, must be kept always busy to avoid boredom and maybe make a mess…

Other factor to considerate is maintenance: a bigger dog means abundant food and more expensive vaccines as they are administered based on the animal’s weight. Also consider some extras, such as desexing if you want that, medication or special diets if needed, as well as kennels, pillows, straps, plates and toys.

Whatever the dog you decide to bring to your family, his origin does not matter: either he is a pure breed, mixed breed, a puppy or an adult, whether he comes from a pound, a shelter or a family, remember that he is a living being that will give you unconditional and invaluable love.

Categories: life with a dog

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