Why do dogs scratch the bed?

An ancestral ritual

When the ancestor of today’s dogs lived in a savage state, probably they dug the ground to make it softer and get better accommodated, or they created a kind of shelter to protect themselves from the cold or from other animals and insects.

When men started to domesticate the dog and the idea of the kennel or the pillow did not exist (and maybe neither the owner’s bed), probably all slept on the floor and the dog maintained the way of creating a comfortable bed.

And today, all equipped with the commodity for our four-legged friends, we see them scratching floor mats, cushions, loungers, etc. or worse, our beds or sofas precisely because it is in their canine DNA, and they cannot go without it.

It a millennial behavior that gives great satisfaction to dogs like they were making an ancestral ritual to prepare the perfect corner for them to rest.

When they do it.

Generally, their ritual is to prepare for the longest and deepest sleep not for short naps.

Some dogs do this less frequently, other more frequently and the explanation may be genetic: the burrow dogs like Terriers or Dachshunds are more prone to dig and to this kind of behavior.

On the other hand, when a dog scratches the bed in a nervous and obsessive manner, this may reveal a sign of anxiety or stress of the dog or reveal pathologies associated to elevated symptoms (for example dilation-torsion of the stomach).

If, by the contrary, your non-sterilized puppy starts scratching the kennel without ever doing it before, soon they may give you some surprises. Otherwise, it could be a pseudo-pregnancy and you must talk to your veterinarian.

The bed

Scratching where they sleep is a territorial claim. By not being able to use the urine as it sometimes occurs, the dog digs because in the bottom of their limbs there are glands that spread a particular odor that becomes stronger when digging. That is why, especially in presence of other dogs, they are indicating their place of rest.

Beware of damages

As much fun as it seems watching your dog digging a void, this could damage the wooden floors, our cushions or carpets so pay attention to their claws: if they are too long, we must cut them.

Human behaviors

It is amazing to think that we humans also behave in the same way. Who of you does not arrange the pillow or the bed sheets before going to bed?

Take a look at our store at www.bubaandmac.com, we can create a portrait of your furry friend so the corner of the house dedicated to him is perfect.

Categories: life with a dog

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